Teenage drug use is an increasing problem among teenagers in today's high schools. Most drug use begins in the pre-teen and teenage years, the years most crucial in the maturation process. During these years adolescents are faced with difficult tasks of discovering their self identity, clarifying their sexual roles, asserting independence, learning to cope with authority and searching for goals that would give their lives meaning. Drugs are readily accessible, adolescents are curious and vulnerable, and there is peer pressure to experiment, with the temptation to escape from conflicts.
In today's schools drugs are very common; peer pressure usually is the reason for their usage. If the people in your social group use drugs, there will be direct or indirect pressure from them. A person may be offered to try drugs, which is direct pressure. Indirect pressure is when someone sees everyone around him using drugs and might think there is nothing wrong with this. Someone might try drugs just to fit in. Even if a person had no intention of using drugs, they might do it just to be considered "cool" by his friends. Today drugs are considered to be an acceptable social phenomenon by many teenagers.
Many teenagers today believe that the first use of drugs is safe. However, even though there is no instant addiction with the first try, youngsters tends to experiment further. Soon a person could actively seek the euphoric effects of drugs. Drug addiction is the result of intense preoccupation with the dicer to experience the mental and bodily changes from drugs. The final, and most disastrous, stage is when a person needs drugs in order to function adequately. Therefore, availability, curiosity and experimentation could result in drug addiction among teenagers.
According to previous studies, drug addiction is the result of the three "I's". Teenagers may think of their problem as Inescapable, Interminable and Intolerable. Life may seem bleak and miserable. Seeing no way out, feeling lonely with no prospects for improvement leads to depression, which can further lead to attempted suicide. Many studies have found that drugs are a contributing factor to suicide. Using drugs may reduce inhibitions and impair judgemnt, and suicide is a possibility.
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