A person on cocaine or speed will usually have glassy eyes and very, very large pupils. He may try to hide this condition by constantly wearing sunglasses or other dark glasses. His behavior will be erratic. He cannot relax or confront and is restless. One will observe uncharacteristic activity, irritability, nervousness or aggression. Stimulants speed up the body's functions and the person may have trouble sitting still, remaining inactive or controlling his or her temper. For this reason, there may be long periods without sleeping. The body, quickened by the chemicals avoids sleep for extended periods of time.

People on marijuana, pot, hash or hash oil will have irritated eyes. They may be bloodshot or appear to have a dazed or expressionless appearance and will also experience dry lips and "cotton mouth." They can walk around in a daze or euphoric stupor staring out into space or at nothing and may go into fits of laughter or laugh when there is nothing to laugh about. Marijuana has a strong, pungent, virtually unmistakable odor. It's long lasting and difficult to mask. This is a telltale sign that a person has either smoked marijuana or it has been smoked in his or her presence. The person may attempt to eliminate this sign by putting clothes in the wash immediately upon coming home or taking a quick shower before being around other people.
A person under the influence of depressants such as barbiturates or Valium may act intoxicated (slurred speech, stumbling gait, droopy eyes, etc). Depressants slow down the body's functions, which my prompt unwarranted sleep episodes. There will be pronounced tendency to fall asleep in unusual situation such as at dinner and the person will show signs of overall listlessness.

A person under the influence of depressants such as barbiturates or Valium may act intoxicated (slurred speech, stumbling gait, droopy eyes, etc). Depressants slow down the body's functions, which my prompt unwarranted sleep episodes. There will be pronounced tendency to fall asleep in unusual situation such as at dinner and the person will show signs of overall listlessness.

An inhalant abuser may leave evidence of paint or glue on his face. He will have a runny nose and eyes and inappropriate drowsiness. The odor of the substance that he inhaled will be on his clothes or his body. They might try to not give themselves away by attempting to walk slowly and straight, but this effort is very obvious.
Alcohol can be detected on the breath. A user mayl attempt to mask it with extraordinary use of mints, mouthwash or even garlic. Speech will be slurred. Watch for drawn-out speech and rambling, sometimes illogical talk. Symptomatic of alcohol abuse are headaches and nausea. Watch for telltale signs of hangover, disinterest in breakfast, late sleeping and an overall grouchiness throughout the day. In all instances of substance abuse, watch for a tendency on the part of the abuser to refrain and shun conversation and face-to-face meetings with others. You are watching for behavior that represents a somewhat dramatic change in character from previous experience.

Alcohol can be detected on the breath. A user mayl attempt to mask it with extraordinary use of mints, mouthwash or even garlic. Speech will be slurred. Watch for drawn-out speech and rambling, sometimes illogical talk. Symptomatic of alcohol abuse are headaches and nausea. Watch for telltale signs of hangover, disinterest in breakfast, late sleeping and an overall grouchiness throughout the day. In all instances of substance abuse, watch for a tendency on the part of the abuser to refrain and shun conversation and face-to-face meetings with others. You are watching for behavior that represents a somewhat dramatic change in character from previous experience.

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