Sunday, August 17, 2008
to my group members
Thanks to all of my friends because give a lot in collaboration documentation on this blog. If there are various or whatever other opinion wish to be shared please spent some time at this page is because we wish to widen more respective knowledge and shared the view creative.
The answers is:
1. For an effective intervention programmes, we must focus on the reducing of the risk factors
2. Getting the participation from all level of society (Teens, community leaders, parents, teachers, law enforcers, religious leaders.)
3. An ongoing and well planned intervention programme to ensure effective result.
Structure is achieved by defining and modeling acceptable behaviors, by limiting unacceptable behaviors, and by making sure your child clearly understands the difference.
1. For an effective intervention programmes, we must focus on the reducing of the risk factors
2. Getting the participation from all level of society (Teens, community leaders, parents, teachers, law enforcers, religious leaders.)
3. An ongoing and well planned intervention programme to ensure effective result.
Structure is achieved by defining and modeling acceptable behaviors, by limiting unacceptable behaviors, and by making sure your child clearly understands the difference.
Friday, August 15, 2008
How to reduce drug abuse among teenagers?
Primary prevention – is involving assistance for individual to eluding from addiction. This must is aimed to children and risky youth group. One of a good approach was having stress for adversely impacted drug and alcohol abuse.
Secondary prevention - comprised of find effects ill that is carried by material misused those before phenomenon anything claim emerge. Maintain caution for early signs drug addiction or past experience that can head for to claim is the way to confirm sooner claim habit or again claim. Because claim is chronic disorder repeatable, every individual still own risk repeat again bad habit design or bring new problem by using other materials.
Tertiary prevention - involving impact treatment medical from drugs has been abused and help drug addict so could receive treatment to tackle disability design further.
In short, way that most common use to prevent addict from repeat their habit is through monitoring of often and continued, counselling, blood drive and manipulation environment. This was later followed with prevent them from mix again with their old friends also was involved and also prevent design from get drug supply easily. Monitoring individual development is involved is very important.
Secondary prevention - comprised of find effects ill that is carried by material misused those before phenomenon anything claim emerge. Maintain caution for early signs drug addiction or past experience that can head for to claim is the way to confirm sooner claim habit or again claim. Because claim is chronic disorder repeatable, every individual still own risk repeat again bad habit design or bring new problem by using other materials.
Tertiary prevention - involving impact treatment medical from drugs has been abused and help drug addict so could receive treatment to tackle disability design further.
In short, way that most common use to prevent addict from repeat their habit is through monitoring of often and continued, counselling, blood drive and manipulation environment. This was later followed with prevent them from mix again with their old friends also was involved and also prevent design from get drug supply easily. Monitoring individual development is involved is very important.
How to detect drug abuse among teenagers?
Following make features drug abuse trace:
a) Physical phenomenon • Sweat • Hair stand on end • Headache • Shivering (tremor)
b) Psychology phenomenon • Restlessness • Insomnia - could not sleep • Worry • Emotion and feelings disruption
c) Performance phenomenon • Always absent work • Decrease of work performance • Suspended or throw school • Drunk while driving could lead to accidents • Arrested because disturbing public order • Stealing
d) Red eyes • Insomnia - could not sleep • Anorexia eat • Body weight reduction • Sadness • Talk much • Unable self equilibrating • Nausea and vomiting • Clench teeth and jaw • Energy gain • Often rub nose Sweat excessive • Sleepy • Use too long toilet
a) Physical phenomenon • Sweat • Hair stand on end • Headache • Shivering (tremor)
b) Psychology phenomenon • Restlessness • Insomnia - could not sleep • Worry • Emotion and feelings disruption
c) Performance phenomenon • Always absent work • Decrease of work performance • Suspended or throw school • Drunk while driving could lead to accidents • Arrested because disturbing public order • Stealing
d) Red eyes • Insomnia - could not sleep • Anorexia eat • Body weight reduction • Sadness • Talk much • Unable self equilibrating • Nausea and vomiting • Clench teeth and jaw • Energy gain • Often rub nose Sweat excessive • Sleepy • Use too long toilet
What are the causes of drug abuse among teenagers?
Factor - Risk Factor • Is the problem substance abuse happens inside every strata of society. It also involves highly-educated group, professional members by those who do not educated and unemployed person. Exist variety of factors can increase drug abuse risk:
• • Biological factor • o one of the wrong perception over modern life concept is, if you ill, there were various pill or medications that can 'restore' you. Unfortunately pill cannot solve your all problems. Usually, recruitment in the change diet, lifestyle, with partner’s social mix or work ethic can bring to change that positive and prolonged difference over with medications.
• • Psychosocial factor • o modern life very busy and complicate. As the child and youth group, pressure to grow by the way design as if right was very challenging. Increasing pressure daily in each individual. Sometimes very fast mainstream of life caused many
• • Social factor • o society this period bribed with the image high-lighted by media like television, radio, video and internet. Is very important to realize that featured what in these media only design image merely and not represent real life. Although advertising wanted we drink certain beverages and wear pants branded as those advertise, his choice still lies with we as consumer. That ' how also his state in choose in order to be smoker or boozer.
• Their luxurious and famous lifestyle as those are featured in entertainment world afford tempt we all
• • Biological factor • o one of the wrong perception over modern life concept is, if you ill, there were various pill or medications that can 'restore' you. Unfortunately pill cannot solve your all problems. Usually, recruitment in the change diet, lifestyle, with partner’s social mix or work ethic can bring to change that positive and prolonged difference over with medications.
• • Psychosocial factor • o modern life very busy and complicate. As the child and youth group, pressure to grow by the way design as if right was very challenging. Increasing pressure daily in each individual. Sometimes very fast mainstream of life caused many
• • Social factor • o society this period bribed with the image high-lighted by media like television, radio, video and internet. Is very important to realize that featured what in these media only design image merely and not represent real life. Although advertising wanted we drink certain beverages and wear pants branded as those advertise, his choice still lies with we as consumer. That ' how also his state in choose in order to be smoker or boozer.
• Their luxurious and famous lifestyle as those are featured in entertainment world afford tempt we all
Introduction to drug abuse...
Drug abuse was using of drugs against the interests his treatment. Today over term suitable to be used is substance abuse; include alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, marijuana (cannabis), stimulant drugs, LSD and inhalant (material sucked). This material word more suitable compared with use of the word drug because drug makes manufacturing chemical. While much of the material misused that produce by natural (as opium) which could not be used by human (as glue sniffing)
cannabis drug

Cannabis, also known as marijuana[1] or marihuana, or ganja,[2] is a psychoactive product of the plant Cannabis sativa, or more often, Cannabis sativa subsp. indicia. The herbal form of the drug consists of dried mature flowers and subtending leaves of pistil late (female) plants. The resinous form, known as hashish,[3] consists primarily of glandular trachoma’s collected from the same plant material. The major biologically active chemical compound in cannabis is Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), commonly referred to as THC.
Humans have been consuming cannabis since prehistory,[4] although in the 20th century there was a rise in its use for recreational, religious or spiritual, and medicinal purposes. It is estimated that about four percent [5] of the world's adult population use cannabis annually and 0.6 percent daily. Cannabis is the world's most often used illegal drug.[6] The possession, use, or sale of psychoactive cannabis products became illegal in most parts of the world in the early 20th century. Since then, some countries have intensified the enforcement of cannabis prohibition while others have reduced the priority of enforcement.
Hallucinogenic drug

Hallucinogenic drug
Hallucinogenic drug, is any of a group of substances that alter consciousness; also called psychotomimetic (i.e., mimicking psychosis ), mind-expanding, or psychedelic drug. The group includes mescaline, or peyote , which comes from the cactus Lophophore Williamson; psilocin and psilocybin, from the mushrooms Psilocybin Mexicana and Strop aria cube sis; and LSD , synthesized from lysergic acid, found in the fungus Clavicles purpure (see ergot ). These alkaloids have also been produced synthetically. Newer hallucinogens, such as PCP (phencyclidine, or "angel dust”), a drug originally used as an aesthetic, and MDMA (“Ecstasy”), an amphetamine derivative, were common in the 1980s. Marijuana has hallucinogenic properties but is pharmacologically distinct. Hallucinogens have been used for centuries by certain peoples. The Hindus and the Aztecs used them to facilitate meditation, cure illness, and enhance mystical powers. Many North American tribal peoples still use hallucinogenic mushrooms and peyote in tribal rituals.
Depressant drugs

Depressant is any one of various substances that diminish functional activity, usually by depressing the nervous system . Barbiturates , sedatives , alcohol, and meprobamate are all depressants. Depressants have various modes of action and effects. Some are primarily used medically to relieve emotion stress, anxiety, and tension; others induce sleep, and still others are used to relieve pain. Depressants also reduce the rate and force of contraction of the heart and are used in the treatment of some forms of heart disease . Many depressants can induce psychological dependence and addiction (sees drug addiction and drug abuse ). Typically, overdo sage results in confusion, coma, and convulsions. In many cases, the effects of one depressant are intensified if another depressant is taken at the same time, e.g., if barbiturates are taken with alcohol. Because of their potential for abuse, there are now strict regulations regarding the dispensing of many depressant drugs.
Kind of depressant drug
Hypnotic drugs
Hypnotic drugs that induce sleep, sometimes called soporifics. In general, hypnotics are central nervous system depressants. Alcohol, laudanum (see opium), bromide salts, and herbs such as valerian have been used as hypnotics. Barbiturates and benzodiazepines are frequently prescribed hypnotics. Smaller doses of these same drugs may be used as sedatives.
Narcotic any of a number of substances that have a depressant effect on the nervous system. The chief narcotic drugs are opium, its constituent’s morphine and codeine, and the morphine derivative heroin. Actions and Uses In small doses narcotics have valuable medical uses, numbing the senses, relieving severe pain, and inducing sleep. They are also given preoperatively to relieve pain and anxiety. Common side effects include constipation, nausea, and allergic reactions. In large doses narcotics can be highly dangerous.
Narcotic Drugs
Narcotic drugs Definition Narcotics are addictive drugs that reduce the user's perception of pain and ... feeling of exaggerated and unrealistic well-being).
stimulant drugs

Stimulant drugs are drugs that excite the central nervous system.
There are several drugs used as stimulants. Although in large part they share the same properties, their use is determined by how well they are absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. These drugs are related to the body's normal stimulant hormones epinephrine and nor epinephrine.
• Inject able stimulants are used to stimulate the heart or breathing. Epinephrine (adrenalin) is the most common.
• Topical stimulants are used as decongestants, since they cause blood vessels to contract. They are also used to stop superficial bleeding by contracting the capillaries and for relief of conjunctivitis. They may be applied to the skin, inhaled, or applied in the form of drops as nose drops or eye drops.
• Oral stimulants, including the two drugs in this class (methylphenidate [Ritalin] and amphetamine) are used to treat extreme daytime sleepiness also known as narcolepsy and for their calming effect in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
• Caffeine, a stimulant found in foods and drinks, is used to promote wakefulness and alertness.
Stimulant drugs, in addition to their proper medicinal use, are subject to abuse. The drugs commonly abused are methylphenidate, amphetamine, and methamphetamine. A related drug, 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (better known as ecstasy or MDMA), is also widely abused. Unlike methylphenidate and amphetamine, MDMA has no legitimate therapeutic use.
Cocaine is chemically different from the traditional stimulants but provides similar effects. It is used medicinally as a local aesthetic but is not available for self-administration. Cocaine has become a major drug abuse problem.
The most common use of methylphenidate and amphetamine in teenagers is for control of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. This is a condition marked by general restlessness, excessive activity, and inability to concentrate on a topic. Teenagers who have this problem are unable to concentrate on schoolwork and fall behind their classmates. They are frequently disruptive. For this condition, the stimulants have a reverse activity and have a calming, rather than a stimulating effect.
drugs... explaination.( opiate )

Opiate drug
Opiate drug any of a group of drugs derived from opium . Used medicinally to relieve pain and induce sleep, they include codeine , morphine , the morphine derivative heroin , and, formerly, laudanum . Sometimes included in the group are certain synthetic drugs that have morphine like pharmacological action. All opiates are considered controlled substances by U.S. law and are available only by prescription. Heroin is not available legally at all in the United States. See also narcotics .
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Drugs? what kind of drugs?
Drugs are any also chemical,either indigenous or artificial, when admitted inside person by injected, smell, suck or eaten can change someone's body function or organism physically or mental.
kinds of drugs;
1. Opait (opiate)
2. Stimulus (stimulants)
3. Emphasis (Depressants)
4. Hallucinogen
5. Cannabis (Cannabis)
kinds of drugs;
1. Opait (opiate)
2. Stimulus (stimulants)
3. Emphasis (Depressants)
4. Hallucinogen
5. Cannabis (Cannabis)
Youth generally referring to group of people old 12-21 year. Human progress angle-of, youth referring to one stage human progress, namely transition phase order between children and mature stage.
While a person that experience his boyhood will experience various drastic changes, include physical change, social, emotion, and language. Effect-of that, street credibility was the person his emotion unstable, and always "with problem".
While a person that experience his boyhood will experience various drastic changes, include physical change, social, emotion, and language. Effect-of that, street credibility was the person his emotion unstable, and always "with problem".
Friday, August 8, 2008

To reduce
There are 5 law about drug addiction such as Akta Dadah berbahaya 1952( Pindaan 1998),Akta Dadah berbahaya 1985,Akta Penagihan dadah 1983 and Akta racun 1952 to reduce drug abuse. Our government has decided the penalties to according the types and amount. There are examples for the penalties:
Trafficking, import or export of more than 50 gm of ecstasy and ice are death.
Possession or consumption of ecstasy wills penalty 5 years imprisonment or no less than 3 strokes of the Rotan.
Trafficking of Katamine wills penalty up to 5 years of imprisonment or fine RM 100,000 or both.
Making seminar dealing with family issues. These seminars are provided for employees to assist them in addressing substance abuse issues that arise with their children or other family members.Many of today’s parents are faced with son and daughter’s drug abuse problem and are not prepared to address the situation. This seminar will provides guidance and solution. It will help parents how to talk to kids about drugs, signs and symptoms of drug abuse. It also will help them about how to help a family member get on the road to recovery.
There are 5 law about drug addiction such as Akta Dadah berbahaya 1952( Pindaan 1998),Akta Dadah berbahaya 1985,Akta Penagihan dadah 1983 and Akta racun 1952 to reduce drug abuse. Our government has decided the penalties to according the types and amount. There are examples for the penalties:
Trafficking, import or export of more than 50 gm of ecstasy and ice are death.
Possession or consumption of ecstasy wills penalty 5 years imprisonment or no less than 3 strokes of the Rotan.
Trafficking of Katamine wills penalty up to 5 years of imprisonment or fine RM 100,000 or both.
Making seminar dealing with family issues. These seminars are provided for employees to assist them in addressing substance abuse issues that arise with their children or other family members.Many of today’s parents are faced with son and daughter’s drug abuse problem and are not prepared to address the situation. This seminar will provides guidance and solution. It will help parents how to talk to kids about drugs, signs and symptoms of drug abuse. It also will help them about how to help a family member get on the road to recovery.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

To detect
According to me, I think that we can detect the drug abuse because we can see the different of attitude. Actually teenager who becomes drug abuse would like to live in their world imagination. There are some sign to detect them:
• Evidence of eye drop used to mask bloodshot eyes or dilated pupils
• Declining and increased absences in school performance.
• Like to stay alone, withdrawal from hobbies, friends and family
• Changes in energy level, having unusual amount of energy .
• Keep secrecy about his /her activity from parents and best friends.
• Sometimes look tired and angry.
• Like to bring a pink pill (ecstasy)
• Requests a lot of money than usually and etc.

The cause of drug abuse among teenagers.
Nowadays we always heard about drug abuse among teenager but we did not to think hardly about the cause. I think divorce and crisis in family become the first reason for drug abuse among teenager. Divorce among their parents make them think that they will be in trouble, did not get attention and love. It make them think to try drug for fun and forget about their problem. But after they take drug , they did not stopped it and become addiction.
Secondly, exposure to drug use among teenagers make them become drug abuse. Teenagers would like to try something new so they will take drug to get a feel. They think that they are great when they take it. Actually they are exposure smoking first, after that they will try to take the drug.
Environment can influence and change our life. Live among drug addiction will reflection us to become a drug addict.

Actually Amphetamine Type Stimulants (ATS) drug or synthetic are commonly abused in entertainment outlets. ATS drug may appear in different names like ice/ syabu , ecstasy and ketamine.
Ecstasy or MDMA is 3-4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine. Ecstasy is the street name for MDMA in the religion, often experimented by young yuppies and discotheques who often see it as a fun drug to enable them to keep dancing. These people often think that ecstasy is harmless. It also known as pil khayal, pil goyang kepala, YAMA, YABA and etc. It often sold in colorful pills with symbols of lolo, Roket, playboy, butterfly and etc.
Ice or syabu is the street name for methamphetamine in its smokable as translucent crystals. Ice is also known as Glass, Crystal, Quartz, Ice Cream, Hirropon and baby ice. It is a synthetic amphetamine or an amphetamine derivative used as an anorectic. It is more potent as a central nervous system stimulator. It has a high potential for abuse and addiction.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Drug has a hard definition. It also called as medicine which are commonly considered to be drugs but which are not commonly used as medicine. According to Agensi Dadah Kebangsaan, drug is any chemical substance which affects the human physiology or psychology. The substance may be habit-forming and perhaps addictive.
According to mass communication and vernacular usage, the term "drug abuse" may be used in newspapers, television, etc. in an ambiguous, catch-all sense rather than as a medical or legal term, sometimes disapprovingly to refer to any drug use at all, particularly of illicit drugs .A common misconception perpetuated by mainstream media and anti-drug campaigns is that "if you do drugs once, you're automatically an addict".
Drug has a hard definition. It also called as medicine which are commonly considered to be drugs but which are not commonly used as medicine. According to Agensi Dadah Kebangsaan, drug is any chemical substance which affects the human physiology or psychology. The substance may be habit-forming and perhaps addictive.
According to mass communication and vernacular usage, the term "drug abuse" may be used in newspapers, television, etc. in an ambiguous, catch-all sense rather than as a medical or legal term, sometimes disapprovingly to refer to any drug use at all, particularly of illicit drugs .A common misconception perpetuated by mainstream media and anti-drug campaigns is that "if you do drugs once, you're automatically an addict".
Sunday, August 3, 2008
As we know, drug is a very dangerous for people, expecially for teenager, but the problem is, mostly teenager is the majority of drug abuse. So, I hope all parents can take care their teenager and avoid from drug abuse.

The health effects of people drug use can come impacts for the body and the all in the body. If you know, many impacts can will see like can make you sick and sometimes the doctor cannot meet the medicine to recover the sick, for example HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) until now doesn’t find the medicine because this health effects from the drug abuse. However, it is now widely recognized that substances abuse affects not only the individual with the drug or alcohol problem, but also the family members with whom they live. In turn, use of family-involved treatments for alcoholism and drug abuse has become a staple of many substance abuse treatment programs, much to the benefit of the patients and their families”. The impacts can you receive is your body cannot be strong, very easy to make you sick if you cannot lesson about the dangerous if you take a drug although the first time because can make you addiction with the drug.
Addiction is a important problem because the impacts more remove for your health because the addiction can make your brain will disturb with anything problem for example Some of these effects are invisible, such as changes in the molecules and cells that are the brain. But more often the effects are visible, including mood swings, memory processing difficulties, and problems with motor skills. But most importantly, drug abuse has such a profound effect on a person's behavior that he or she will do most anything to find access to the drug.
For the logic mind, the drug abuse is very dangerous for your health because we bare with many information about the health effect if you take the drug, if you not care about the information, can make the causes to involved the drug abuse, such as at television, newspaper, radio, book and other can give information if you want to know about the impacts when take the drug. We should be have a feel to be a scare with this effects and thinking about your life future. If we sick always, thaw way for the life very difficult because the body not strong for make work.
The price of the drug very expensive, for someone which afford can buy the drug, but very queer because not people from rich group will be buy the drug. The price not make the problem for buy because the satisfied when take the drug very important without thinking the effect for the time future. If you know many effect for your financial because when we buy always the drug, the impacts for your financial will can see very clear because such as we know the price of the drug very expensive for the small drug, but still have people which want to buy and take the drug, so have been the problem financial in the life. Requirement and responsibility will be leave and neglect.
In situation family, many effects can be able because for example the husband involved the drug abuse, many the money out for buy the drug, the problem financial will be often this family, the disregard responsibility to the family, necessary for a family not be able to buy because the money have buy the dry every day and every time. This situation very dangerous and worried for see because can make the big problem for the family, if we look, the causes the family not happy like other family is every member in family have a feel responsibility and not just take care with there self. When you take the drug, responsibility to the family will be have in your mind because the drug very important for continue the life without thinking the effects.
The problem about the drug abuse in society very bad because for half the problem about the drug abuse source from the society. This situation can be happen and can be to talk because the people very easy to influence with persuade someone for take the drug. Other wise can make the effects for the society although the influence society is the source to take the drug for example effects society is many people will be influence with the drug, especially for the teenagers which very easy move the drug abuse. This situation very worried and dangerous because many the teenagers can damage with the drug.
Written by S. Miller Norman in a book called The Pharmacology of Alcohol and Drugs of Abuse and Addiction, “ the term abuse as originally defined for pharmacological and behavioral purposes differs from the various popular meanings it has acquired. The a given social structure in which the drug is used. The term implies voluntary use, that is unethical and morally wrong. Abuse as used frequently but not necessarily implies unfavorable or untoward consequences o drug use.”
This problem can make not teenagers which nice, strong, responsibility for the country because for all have a damaged with the drug, this s very bad situation. We see also if take the drug. The other people can’t respect and not feel concern to help because for they the people which take the drug cannot to respect and to feel concern with them. The clear effect here is the society don’t like to people which take the drug, for be able the work very difficult also because the factory or the other agency very difficult for receive the people which have a problem with the drug or have take the drug abuse although they have stop to take the drug. The impact very serious in your life because not all society can be receive in their life.
Saturday, August 2, 2008

With so much talk by Congress and the White House about the damage that drugs cause our society, one would think our drug-treatment facilities were wide-open, and eagerly awaiting patients who have finally heeded the calls of our government to break their addiction. Not so. An addict can wait many months between a request for treatment and the availability of a treatment slot. A policy that chooses to provide prison cells rather than treatment beds makes a mockery of its claims to have a strategy to decrease drug use in America. To increase to the greatest extent possible the availability and quality of treatment services so that treatment on request may be provided to all individuals desiring to rid themselves of their substance abuse problem.

ii ) Enact legislation that provides full continuum insurance coverage for substance abuse treatment.
If our society is truly serious about reducing drug use, then we must make every effort to move those people who wish to be treated for drug addiction into treatment facilities. One of the most effective means to do so is to provide “full continuum” insurance for substance abuse. As stated in a report commissioned by the Connecticut State Legislature, this would “include screening, assessment, intervention, detoxification, short-term and long-term inpatient rehabilitation, outpatient and intensive outpatient services, family treatment, and methadone maintenance treatment.” This was also the goal of legislation introduced in the 105th Congress. By providing addiction treatment through medical insurance, we reduce the need for people to rely on public funding and facilities to treat substance abuse problems.

One of the main goals of advertising is to create demand for a product, industry or idea. As two of the largest sources of illness and death in America, it is not beneficial to glamorize or promote cigarettes and alcohol to young children. An effective drug control strategy would examine ways to reduce children's exposure to such marketing, perhaps by limiting alcohol ads to television programs which are rated for adult content. The marketing of addictive products to children must be addressed, while balancing the commercial speech rights of legal businesses to market their products or educate the public on policy issues related to their industry.

A person on cocaine or speed will usually have glassy eyes and very, very large pupils. He may try to hide this condition by constantly wearing sunglasses or other dark glasses. His behavior will be erratic. He cannot relax or confront and is restless. One will observe uncharacteristic activity, irritability, nervousness or aggression. Stimulants speed up the body's functions and the person may have trouble sitting still, remaining inactive or controlling his or her temper. For this reason, there may be long periods without sleeping. The body, quickened by the chemicals avoids sleep for extended periods of time.

People on marijuana, pot, hash or hash oil will have irritated eyes. They may be bloodshot or appear to have a dazed or expressionless appearance and will also experience dry lips and "cotton mouth." They can walk around in a daze or euphoric stupor staring out into space or at nothing and may go into fits of laughter or laugh when there is nothing to laugh about. Marijuana has a strong, pungent, virtually unmistakable odor. It's long lasting and difficult to mask. This is a telltale sign that a person has either smoked marijuana or it has been smoked in his or her presence. The person may attempt to eliminate this sign by putting clothes in the wash immediately upon coming home or taking a quick shower before being around other people.
A person under the influence of depressants such as barbiturates or Valium may act intoxicated (slurred speech, stumbling gait, droopy eyes, etc). Depressants slow down the body's functions, which my prompt unwarranted sleep episodes. There will be pronounced tendency to fall asleep in unusual situation such as at dinner and the person will show signs of overall listlessness.

A person under the influence of depressants such as barbiturates or Valium may act intoxicated (slurred speech, stumbling gait, droopy eyes, etc). Depressants slow down the body's functions, which my prompt unwarranted sleep episodes. There will be pronounced tendency to fall asleep in unusual situation such as at dinner and the person will show signs of overall listlessness.

An inhalant abuser may leave evidence of paint or glue on his face. He will have a runny nose and eyes and inappropriate drowsiness. The odor of the substance that he inhaled will be on his clothes or his body. They might try to not give themselves away by attempting to walk slowly and straight, but this effort is very obvious.
Alcohol can be detected on the breath. A user mayl attempt to mask it with extraordinary use of mints, mouthwash or even garlic. Speech will be slurred. Watch for drawn-out speech and rambling, sometimes illogical talk. Symptomatic of alcohol abuse are headaches and nausea. Watch for telltale signs of hangover, disinterest in breakfast, late sleeping and an overall grouchiness throughout the day. In all instances of substance abuse, watch for a tendency on the part of the abuser to refrain and shun conversation and face-to-face meetings with others. You are watching for behavior that represents a somewhat dramatic change in character from previous experience.

Alcohol can be detected on the breath. A user mayl attempt to mask it with extraordinary use of mints, mouthwash or even garlic. Speech will be slurred. Watch for drawn-out speech and rambling, sometimes illogical talk. Symptomatic of alcohol abuse are headaches and nausea. Watch for telltale signs of hangover, disinterest in breakfast, late sleeping and an overall grouchiness throughout the day. In all instances of substance abuse, watch for a tendency on the part of the abuser to refrain and shun conversation and face-to-face meetings with others. You are watching for behavior that represents a somewhat dramatic change in character from previous experience.


Teenage drug use is an increasing problem among teenagers in today's high schools. Most drug use begins in the pre-teen and teenage years, the years most crucial in the maturation process. During these years adolescents are faced with difficult tasks of discovering their self identity, clarifying their sexual roles, asserting independence, learning to cope with authority and searching for goals that would give their lives meaning. Drugs are readily accessible, adolescents are curious and vulnerable, and there is peer pressure to experiment, with the temptation to escape from conflicts.
In today's schools drugs are very common; peer pressure usually is the reason for their usage. If the people in your social group use drugs, there will be direct or indirect pressure from them. A person may be offered to try drugs, which is direct pressure. Indirect pressure is when someone sees everyone around him using drugs and might think there is nothing wrong with this. Someone might try drugs just to fit in. Even if a person had no intention of using drugs, they might do it just to be considered "cool" by his friends. Today drugs are considered to be an acceptable social phenomenon by many teenagers.
Many teenagers today believe that the first use of drugs is safe. However, even though there is no instant addiction with the first try, youngsters tends to experiment further. Soon a person could actively seek the euphoric effects of drugs. Drug addiction is the result of intense preoccupation with the dicer to experience the mental and bodily changes from drugs. The final, and most disastrous, stage is when a person needs drugs in order to function adequately. Therefore, availability, curiosity and experimentation could result in drug addiction among teenagers.
According to previous studies, drug addiction is the result of the three "I's". Teenagers may think of their problem as Inescapable, Interminable and Intolerable. Life may seem bleak and miserable. Seeing no way out, feeling lonely with no prospects for improvement leads to depression, which can further lead to attempted suicide. Many studies have found that drugs are a contributing factor to suicide. Using drugs may reduce inhibitions and impair judgemnt, and suicide is a possibility.
Friday, August 1, 2008

- Drug is a substance used in the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of a disease or as a component of a medication. It is also such a substance as recognized or defined by the U.S. Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Drug is a chemical substance, such as a narcotic or hallucinogen that affects the central nervous system, causing changes in behaviour and often addiction.
- Kind of drug:-
Alcohol is the most common drug used and abused. It is an intoxicant that depresses the central nervous system and can lead to a temporary loss of control over physical and mental powers. The signs of drunkenness are well known can lack of coordination, slurred speech, blurred vision, and poor judgment. The amount of alcohol in liquor is measured by a "proof rating."
Alcohol is the most common drug used and abused. It is an intoxicant that depresses the central nervous system and can lead to a temporary loss of control over physical and mental powers. The signs of drunkenness are well known can lack of coordination, slurred speech, blurred vision, and poor judgment. The amount of alcohol in liquor is measured by a "proof rating."
Marijuana is produced from the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa), which grows well throughout the world. Marijuana has been considered a "gateway drug" because of its potential to lead young people to experiment with stronger drugs such as heroin and cocaine. Marijuana is an intoxicant that is usually smoked in order to induce a feeling of euphoria lasting two to four hours. Physical effects include an increase in heart rate, bloodshot eyes, a dry mouth and throat, and increased appetite. Marijuana can impair or reduce short-term memory and comprehension. It can reduce one's ability to perform tasks requiring concentration (such as driving a car). Marijuana can also produce paranoia and psychosis. Because most marijuana users inhale unfiltered smoke and hold it in their lungs for as long as possible, it causes damage to the lungs and pulmonary system. Marijuana smoke also has more cancer-causing agents than tobacco smoke. Marijuana also interferes with the immune systeand reduces the sperm count in males.

Marijuana is produced from the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa), which grows well throughout the world. Marijuana has been considered a "gateway drug" because of its potential to lead young people to experiment with stronger drugs such as heroin and cocaine. Marijuana is an intoxicant that is usually smoked in order to induce a feeling of euphoria lasting two to four hours. Physical effects include an increase in heart rate, bloodshot eyes, a dry mouth and throat, and increased appetite. Marijuana can impair or reduce short-term memory and comprehension. It can reduce one's ability to perform tasks requiring concentration (such as driving a car). Marijuana can also produce paranoia and psychosis. Because most marijuana users inhale unfiltered smoke and hold it in their lungs for as long as possible, it causes damage to the lungs and pulmonary system. Marijuana smoke also has more cancer-causing agents than tobacco smoke. Marijuana also interferes with the immune systeand reduces the sperm count in males.

In recent years, snorting cocaine has given way to smoking it. Snorting cocaine limits the intensity of the effect because the blood vessels in the nose are constricted.Smoking cocaine delivers a much more intense high. Smoke goes directly to the lungs and then to the heart.On the
next heartbeat, it is on the way to the brain.
Cocaine is a stimulant and increases heart rate, restricts blood vessels, and stimulates mental awareness. Users say it is an ego- builder. Along with increased energy comes a feeling of personal supremacy: the illusion of being smarter, sexier, and more competent than anyone else. But while the cocaine confidence makes users feel indestructible, the crash from cocaine leaves them depressed, paranoid, and searching for more. Until recently, people speaking of cocaine dependence never called it an addiction. Cocaine's withdrawal symptoms are not physically wrenching like those of heroin and alcohol. Yet cocaine involves compulsion, loss of control, and continued use in spite of the consequences.
next heartbeat, it is on the way to the brain.
Cocaine is a stimulant and increases heart rate, restricts blood vessels, and stimulates mental awareness. Users say it is an ego- builder. Along with increased energy comes a feeling of personal supremacy: the illusion of being smarter, sexier, and more competent than anyone else. But while the cocaine confidence makes users feel indestructible, the crash from cocaine leaves them depressed, paranoid, and searching for more. Until recently, people speaking of cocaine dependence never called it an addiction. Cocaine's withdrawal symptoms are not physically wrenching like those of heroin and alcohol. Yet cocaine involves compulsion, loss of control, and continued use in spite of the consequences.

The drug of choice during the 1960s was LSD. People looking for the "ultimate trip" would take LSD or perhaps peyote and experience bizarre illusions and hallucinations. In the last few decades, these hallucinogens have been replaced by PCP (Phencyclidine), often known as "angel dust" or "killer weed." First synthesized in the 1950s as an anesthetic, PCP was discontinued because of its side effects but is now manufactured illegally and sold to thousands of teenagers.
PCP is often sprayed on cigarettes or marijuana and then smoked. Users report a sense of distance and estrangement. PCP creates body-image distortion, dizziness, and double vision. The drug distorts reality in such a way that it can resemble mental illness. Because the drug blocks pain receptors, violent PCP episodes may result in self-inflicted injuries. Chronic PCP users have persistent memory problems and speech difficulties. Mood disorders such as depression, anxiety, and violent behavior, are also reported. High doses of PCP can produce a coma that can last for days or weeks.
Synthetic Drugs
The latest scourge in the drug business has been so-called designer drugs. These synthetic drugs, manufactured in underground laboratories, mimic the effects of commonly abused drugs. Since they were not even anticipated when our current drug laws were written, they exist in a legal limbo, and their use is increasing. One drug is MDMA, also know as "Ecstasy." It has
been called the "LSD of the '80s" and gives the user a cocaine-like rush with a hallucinogen euphoria. Ecstasy was sold legally for a few years despite National Institute on Drug Abuse fears that it could cause brain damage. In 1985 the DEA outlawed MDMA, although it is still widely available. Other drugs have been marketed as a variation of the painkillers Demerol and Fentanyl. The synthetic variation of the anesthetic Fentanyl is considered more potent than heroin and is known on the street as "synthetic heroin"and "China White." Designer drugs may become a growth industry in the '90s. Creative drug makers in clandestine laboratories can produce these drugs for a fraction of the cost of smuggled drugs and with much less hassle from law enforcement agencies.
Have Fun~~

Guys! Thanks to view Smile Ladies page, by this page you can get more knowledge about drug abuse among teenagers in Malaysia. In this page have seven question about drug abuse, and Smile Ladies will answer that question. Hope Miss Angela satisfied with this page. Have fun and enjoy with Smile Ladies blogger..
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
to my group member..
good for you because you did well but i think that to improve our blog i hope you all can give the different opinion for one question ladies.:-)do the best.please give your opinion.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The Objective is: (1) To know more and understand about teenager, drug and the
(2) To reduce drug abuse
QUESTION (1): Who are the teenager
THE ANSWERS IS: A person between the ages of 13 and 19 an adolescent.
QUESTION (2): What is the definition of drug and this kind?
THE ANSWERS IS: Drug is a a chemical substance used in the treatment, cure prevent, or diaqnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well-being.
Kind of drug:
(a) Alcohol
-Alcohol use continues to increase among teenagers, even those as
Young as 8th grade.It is the most common drug used and abused.
-Smoking among teenagers is associated with many other risky
behaviors. Teens who smoke are more likely to use drug, as well as engaging in activities such as fighting.
(c) Inhalant
-Getting high by inhaling the fumes of common household product result in the deaths of more than a thousant children each year.
(d) Marijuana
- After a brief decline in the 1980s, marijuana use among teens appears to be steadily increasing. This product from the hemp plant, which grows well throughout the world.e .
(e) Stimulants
-Crack, the smokeable form of cocaine, and other stimulants lead to long-term effect including tolerance and dependence, violence and aggression caused by lack of appetic.
(f) Heroin
-Heroin use in on the rise, particularly with the development of inexpensive, high- purity heroin that can be sniffed or smoked rather than injected.
(g) Steroids
- These drug have been increasing in abuse as well particularly among athletes who believe they will enhance.
QUESTION (3): What is the causes of drug aming teenager?
· Curiosity
Humans are born curious and information about drugs s everywhere. It’s not hard to wonder what the hype is about if you have never been taught otherwise
· Gateway drugs
A person may have started out using something less addicting such as Marijuana and looking for a better high, they come in contact with heavier substances that offer a different type of high.
· Anxiety, depression, low self esteem and stress
These are some major factors that I almost had to bundle together because they are all factors that deal with our psyche. A person’s mood and state of well being can play a large part in a person’s perception of right or wrong. When you add drugs into the mix, it becomes a habitual circle of self destruction.
· Peer pressure
This is NOT a kids only topic. Adults are also pressured - Everyone has peers and if getting high is what is acceptable in your social setting or circle of influences, you will be pressured to perform or act in the same way. This isn’t just about the old commercials from the 80’s:”Hey Billy, wanna get hiiiigh??”
· Alteration of the perception of reality
This is something I believe that some addicts don’t even realize that they are doing. Addiction actually makes a person believe they need it to survive. The physical and mental symptoms of withdrawal can be too hard to bare. There are also addicts that know that they are altering their state of mind and do it for just that reason. From my experience however, the phase passes early on and drugs become something needed daily if not hourly just to survive.
· Environment
This is all encompassing in my opinion. We are all a reflection of our environment. If a person is raised in a home where drugs were part of life, or a culture where drugs are accepted, then it is much more likely that they too will become curious. Addiction generally doesn’t follow too far behind
QUESTION (4): How to detect drug abuse among teenagers?
-School performance, declining grades, increased absences, reported truancy
-Withdrawal from hobbies, teams, family life
-Marked change in behavior ranging from hostility to violence
-Changes in energy level, having unusual amounts of energy or increased fatigue
-Increased secrecy about possessions or activities
-Use of incense, room freshener, or perfume to hide smoke or chemical odors
-Wearing new clothes that highlight drug use, or suggest inappropriate conduct, or lack of -concern for appearance and grooming
-Evidence of drug paraphernalia, such as pipes and rolling papers
-Evidence of eye drops used to mask bloodshot eyes or dilated pupils
-Missing prescription drugs
-Unusual requests for money without reasonable explanations for why they need it, discovering -money has been stolen from your home or wallet, or finding objects missing which may have been sold to support a drug habit
QUESTION (5): How to reduce drug abuse among teenagers?
The answers is:
Educational – we go to schools, colleges and universities where we set up exhibitions and organized drug awareness talk, forum or quiz for students.
Entertaining and creative – organize rock concert at shopping malls, clubs, schools, college and universities. We also do plays, pentomine with positive messages.
Media outreach – radio talk show, tv interviews,internet, magazine and newspapers, where we can outreach not only the young people but all levels of society.
Community service - we also do outreach programmes in the rural and residential areas by organizing spring cleaning, exhibition and drug awareness talks
Religious program – getting religious leaders to give religious / spiritual talks to enhance community / spiritual values among village people.
Extra Curriculur activities – sports, including anti drug syllabus or campaign in every club in school.
The use of peer presure as an effective form of education for young people. (peer educators / counselors). Providing training for peer educators on counseling and life skills.
Parents Teachers' Association
Family education – getting the family involve in schools and also when the teens are in treatment. Giving them information and providing them with education on topics like :- 'why people use drugs', 'signs of addiction', 'effective parenting', 'drugs and its effects' etc.
Extra Curriculur activities – sports, including anti drug syllabus or campaign in every club in school.
The use of peer presure as an effective form of education for young people. (peer educators / counselors). Providing training for peer educators on counseling and life skills.
Parents Teachers' Association
Family education – getting the family involve in schools and also when the teens are in treatment. Giving them information and providing them with education on topics like :- 'why people use drugs', 'signs of addiction', 'effective parenting', 'drugs and its effects' etc.
The question (6) : What is the effect of drug abuse among teenagers.
The answers is:….
Short and Long Term Effects
Short-Term Effects:
Depressed respiration
Clouded mental functioning
Nausea and vomiting
Suppression of pain
Spontaneous abortion
Long-Term Effects:
Infectious diseases (HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis)
Collapsed veins
Bacterial infections
Infection of heart lining and valves
Arthritis and other rheumatologic problems
Effects on society
Drug abuse and addiction have a devastating impact on society costing billions of dollars each year. Heroin use alone is responsible for the epidemic number of new cases of HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, and drug addicted infants born each year. Drug abuse is responsible for decreased job productivity and attendance, increased healthcare costs, and an escalation of domestic violence and violent crimes.
Question (7): What is the suggestion to reduce drug abuse among teenagers?
The answers is:
1. For an effective intervention programmes, we must focus on the reducing of the risk factors
2. Getting the participation from all level of society (Teens, community leaders, parents, teachers, law enforcers, religious leaders.)
3. An ongoing and well planned intervention programme to ensure effective result.
4. To the parents knowing about teenagers.…
WHERE they are at all times
WHAT they are doing
WHO they are with
Structure is achieved by defining and modeling acceptable behaviors, by limiting unacceptable behaviors, and by making sure your child clearly understands the difference.
(2) To reduce drug abuse
QUESTION (1): Who are the teenager
THE ANSWERS IS: A person between the ages of 13 and 19 an adolescent.
QUESTION (2): What is the definition of drug and this kind?
THE ANSWERS IS: Drug is a a chemical substance used in the treatment, cure prevent, or diaqnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well-being.
Kind of drug:
(a) Alcohol
-Alcohol use continues to increase among teenagers, even those as
Young as 8th grade.It is the most common drug used and abused.
-Smoking among teenagers is associated with many other risky
behaviors. Teens who smoke are more likely to use drug, as well as engaging in activities such as fighting.
(c) Inhalant
-Getting high by inhaling the fumes of common household product result in the deaths of more than a thousant children each year.
(d) Marijuana
- After a brief decline in the 1980s, marijuana use among teens appears to be steadily increasing. This product from the hemp plant, which grows well throughout the world.e .
(e) Stimulants
-Crack, the smokeable form of cocaine, and other stimulants lead to long-term effect including tolerance and dependence, violence and aggression caused by lack of appetic.
(f) Heroin
-Heroin use in on the rise, particularly with the development of inexpensive, high- purity heroin that can be sniffed or smoked rather than injected.
(g) Steroids
- These drug have been increasing in abuse as well particularly among athletes who believe they will enhance.
QUESTION (3): What is the causes of drug aming teenager?
· Curiosity
Humans are born curious and information about drugs s everywhere. It’s not hard to wonder what the hype is about if you have never been taught otherwise
· Gateway drugs
A person may have started out using something less addicting such as Marijuana and looking for a better high, they come in contact with heavier substances that offer a different type of high.
· Anxiety, depression, low self esteem and stress
These are some major factors that I almost had to bundle together because they are all factors that deal with our psyche. A person’s mood and state of well being can play a large part in a person’s perception of right or wrong. When you add drugs into the mix, it becomes a habitual circle of self destruction.
· Peer pressure
This is NOT a kids only topic. Adults are also pressured - Everyone has peers and if getting high is what is acceptable in your social setting or circle of influences, you will be pressured to perform or act in the same way. This isn’t just about the old commercials from the 80’s:”Hey Billy, wanna get hiiiigh??”
· Alteration of the perception of reality
This is something I believe that some addicts don’t even realize that they are doing. Addiction actually makes a person believe they need it to survive. The physical and mental symptoms of withdrawal can be too hard to bare. There are also addicts that know that they are altering their state of mind and do it for just that reason. From my experience however, the phase passes early on and drugs become something needed daily if not hourly just to survive.
· Environment
This is all encompassing in my opinion. We are all a reflection of our environment. If a person is raised in a home where drugs were part of life, or a culture where drugs are accepted, then it is much more likely that they too will become curious. Addiction generally doesn’t follow too far behind
QUESTION (4): How to detect drug abuse among teenagers?
-School performance, declining grades, increased absences, reported truancy
-Withdrawal from hobbies, teams, family life
-Marked change in behavior ranging from hostility to violence
-Changes in energy level, having unusual amounts of energy or increased fatigue
-Increased secrecy about possessions or activities
-Use of incense, room freshener, or perfume to hide smoke or chemical odors
-Wearing new clothes that highlight drug use, or suggest inappropriate conduct, or lack of -concern for appearance and grooming
-Evidence of drug paraphernalia, such as pipes and rolling papers
-Evidence of eye drops used to mask bloodshot eyes or dilated pupils
-Missing prescription drugs
-Unusual requests for money without reasonable explanations for why they need it, discovering -money has been stolen from your home or wallet, or finding objects missing which may have been sold to support a drug habit
QUESTION (5): How to reduce drug abuse among teenagers?
The answers is:
Educational – we go to schools, colleges and universities where we set up exhibitions and organized drug awareness talk, forum or quiz for students.
Entertaining and creative – organize rock concert at shopping malls, clubs, schools, college and universities. We also do plays, pentomine with positive messages.
Media outreach – radio talk show, tv interviews,internet, magazine and newspapers, where we can outreach not only the young people but all levels of society.
Community service - we also do outreach programmes in the rural and residential areas by organizing spring cleaning, exhibition and drug awareness talks
Religious program – getting religious leaders to give religious / spiritual talks to enhance community / spiritual values among village people.
Extra Curriculur activities – sports, including anti drug syllabus or campaign in every club in school.
The use of peer presure as an effective form of education for young people. (peer educators / counselors). Providing training for peer educators on counseling and life skills.
Parents Teachers' Association
Family education – getting the family involve in schools and also when the teens are in treatment. Giving them information and providing them with education on topics like :- 'why people use drugs', 'signs of addiction', 'effective parenting', 'drugs and its effects' etc.
Extra Curriculur activities – sports, including anti drug syllabus or campaign in every club in school.
The use of peer presure as an effective form of education for young people. (peer educators / counselors). Providing training for peer educators on counseling and life skills.
Parents Teachers' Association
Family education – getting the family involve in schools and also when the teens are in treatment. Giving them information and providing them with education on topics like :- 'why people use drugs', 'signs of addiction', 'effective parenting', 'drugs and its effects' etc.
The question (6) : What is the effect of drug abuse among teenagers.
The answers is:….
Short and Long Term Effects
Short-Term Effects:
Depressed respiration
Clouded mental functioning
Nausea and vomiting
Suppression of pain
Spontaneous abortion
Long-Term Effects:
Infectious diseases (HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis)
Collapsed veins
Bacterial infections
Infection of heart lining and valves
Arthritis and other rheumatologic problems
Effects on society
Drug abuse and addiction have a devastating impact on society costing billions of dollars each year. Heroin use alone is responsible for the epidemic number of new cases of HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, and drug addicted infants born each year. Drug abuse is responsible for decreased job productivity and attendance, increased healthcare costs, and an escalation of domestic violence and violent crimes.
Question (7): What is the suggestion to reduce drug abuse among teenagers?
The answers is:
1. For an effective intervention programmes, we must focus on the reducing of the risk factors
2. Getting the participation from all level of society (Teens, community leaders, parents, teachers, law enforcers, religious leaders.)
3. An ongoing and well planned intervention programme to ensure effective result.
4. To the parents knowing about teenagers.…
WHERE they are at all times
WHAT they are doing
WHO they are with
Structure is achieved by defining and modeling acceptable behaviors, by limiting unacceptable behaviors, and by making sure your child clearly understands the difference.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
To my group members, please give your email to me as soon as possible so that i can invite you all to join this blog. Thanks a lot for your co-operation.
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